Monday, April 5, 2010

i don't know y... should i care?

i dun know y every nite i will endure sime kind of sickness.. yesterday, i gt massive headache with terrible abdminal cramp.. not only that, also got joint ache too.. my hand that already healed (i think so) in pain again.. what the meaning f this.. yesterday nite i sleep in one position until morning.. as if i move around the tear will just come out freely without barrier.. today, with that awesome headache again, cough n short breath and even feel want to vomit. every nite my temperature will rise up high and i don't know why...
i hope this just symptom for being tension in this exam week.. my other hand want to protest too.. the truth is i hav a limb hand after i wake up in the morning.. my hand never really can grasp a thing if i didn't do some exercise with it.. i hop the thing that pumping my head will stop soon... i barely can take it anymore.. i hate medicine so i never take it for a long time even if i need to cry but yesterday i was forced to have some by myself.. luckily i got supply.. i hope this thing will last in short timw only... so i no need to worry much about myself.. a lot of people i need to take care i don't want they sad for me.. so i didn't need to be sad looking at them... i want they to be happy as happy as possible.. im sorry if i make mistake guys.. u r my life n u r my world...

p/s: i wanna go home......... :'(

Saturday, April 3, 2010

wonderful life that we ignored...

well, 2 3 hari ni aku byk tgok video yg wat aku rase bersyukur dgn hidup aku skang ni.. walaupon aku sibuk, tension, byk keje and len2 bende yg aku sungutkan... the matter of fact is we live in a better life compared to other, ade yg takde kaki tp still tersenyun dan gembira tp kite lenguh sket da merungut, ade yg takde mate n buta tp aku nak gak membebel pasal rabun aku ni.. ade yg sakit yg hilang org tersayang yg tak mampu berbuat ape2 yg takde tempat bergantung... sumenyer tabah hadapi hidup dorg.. kite yg serbe sempurna ni hanye tau mngeluh dan merungut.. padahal rahmat yg tuhan bg tu mlimpah ruah.. seyesly aku mmg pikir bende2 mcm ni.. mcm mane kalo tuhan tarik balik nikmat yg dier bg tu drpd aku... aku tak tau la aku cukup tabah tak nak hadapi sume tu tp dorg... walopon kanak2, still tau mcm mane nak care mcm mane nak tunjuk kan yg kite syg kat org2 yg dier syg.. kite pernah ke nak expresskan rase syg kite kat mak bapak kite, kat adik2, kakak2, abg2 kiter, kwn2 kite, cikgu2 kite... padahal selama ni kite hidup disamping dorg sume.. dorg la yg tunjuk erti kehidupan , erti kegembiraan, erti kesedihan, erti kasih sayang, erti care for each other.. tak cukup bahagia lg ke hidup kite kalo da dapat mende2 mcm ni... aku tnye korg... tak cukup lg ke? kite sebenarnyer da lebih dr bahagia... tp dalam sehari, berape kali kite cakap " terima kasih yg ALLAH... Kau buat aku lalui hari ini dgn gembira dan selesa... Kau berikan aku rezeki... Kau berikan aku nyawa... Kau brikan aku kasih sayang utk ku kongsikan bersama... terima kasih kerana berikan aku peluang utk bertaubat dan perbaiki kesalahan diri... terima kasih YA ALLAH YA KAREEM...." biler aku tgok diri aku.. betapa sikitnye aku ucapkan kalimah2 tu.. padahal ALLAH telah kurniakan kite org2 yang menyayangi kite utk kite mnyayangi mereka kembali.. tp kite wat ke? well aku skang mmg kecewa dgn diri sendiri... aku kn cari mase utk muhasabah diri sebelum aku kecundang kearah kekufuran nikmat... renungkan la walopon sebenarnyer aku tulis utk diri sendiri..

p/s: aku sayang korang with the bottom of my heart...